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  1. #1

    Default Shattered Halls at 69

    Pretty annoyed the o'mrogg didn't drop my pala trinket, even more annoyed that it was some mail.. and the first boss dropped a druid idol.

    But anyway, it was tough, but I got to the last boss

    got him down to 52k / 125k life.. I chose not to try again, I think I'll give it another go when I get to 70...

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by 'Fursphere',index.php?page=Thread&postID=55418#pos t55418
    1) Impressive @ 69
    2) Impressive w/ 4 different classes
    3) Impressive full multiboxed

    So in other words, pat yourself on the back. Very nice!!!

    I've gotten that damn idol at least a dozen times with my Shaman/Pally groups... /wrists

    I like to point out the priests have completely different roles, so virtually 5 different classes kinda

    Oh.. and I couldn't be bothered with crowd control....! so I didn't bother

  3. #3


    hey thats pretty impressive... Lots of lvl 70 groups had trouble there before they got geared out. I remember wehn everyone hit 70 (beginning of TBC) shattered halls was like the toughest instance, without a good tank you were kinda screwed. Course i didnt ever have trouble there because I was a tank, every group i was in had a good tank

    however it was pretty much the last lvl 70 instance that i did, so i was fairly geared out by the time i went there.

    nice job for sure =)

    I'm definitely gonna wait till im 70 and geared before i go there

  4. #4


    Wow that is very impressive...I can barely manage a lock & a pally at the same time hehe. What kind of rig are you running?

  5. #5


    24inch ws for pala, 22inch ws for casters.

    2.4ghz Q6600? Quadcore
    4gb Ram
    768 8800 Ultra nvidia

    and for playing I use mouse and nostromo n52!

  6. #6


    I tried SH the other day. The 1st boss kicked my ass. I managed to get through stage 1 and then the shadowbolt volleys took me out before I could finish him.
    The Orcks of War
    Shaman Borck Zorck Dorck Porck Corck
    Mixed Team - Msblonde - Mswhite - Msblack - Msred - Msbrown -

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by 'dancook',index.php?page=Thread&postID=55586#post5 5586
    24inch ws for pala, 22inch ws for casters.

    2.4ghz Q6600? Quadcore
    4gb Ram
    768 8800 Ultra nvidia

    and for playing I use mouse and nostromo n52!
    Cool...looks awesome.

  8. #8


    Very nice! I started trying 5 different classes, but only got them to 20. I moved to a new server, so I just need to get my first group to 70, so I went with four priest and a pally tank. My next group will be well mixed.

  9. #9


    Hi, first of all congrats!

    May I ask, how it works out playing this class combo?

    -for example whats your primary casts and how did u set tehm up?

    -I personally thought about this combo (or nearly this combo,
    I'm not shure if I would choose a priest as healer or go with a
    shami or druid), and like the synergy it has.

    -First of all u have a lot of cc, nice utility like portals, soulstone
    and sumon, a second tank (warlock pet) if u need it.

    Another question is, how did u spec them?
    -Do you use arcane for your mage to go well with curse of shadows,
    for example?

    After all, really nice job!

    PS: I'm sry for my english but its not my first language :/
    OLIPCS - ordinary life is pretty complex stuff
    Pala, Priest, Druid, Hunter, Mage
    Focusless Targetless Leaderless - Wiki
    HotKeyNet - Guide

  10. #10


    Nice work !
    But I am sad to tell you that O'mrogg does not drop a Paladin trinket - it's off Bladefist.

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