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  1. #1

    Default Wow Switcher - new legal multiboxing software

    I made a super easy tool for switching WoW windows. Since it has no broadcast at all, it fits Blizzard's ToS.

    Current features:

    * Cyclic switch between WoW windows via any number of configurable hotkeys.
    * Cyclic switch between WoW windows via mouse click with any modifier.
    * Mouse wheel and buttons also available as hotkeys.

    This enough for multiboxing via one interesting idea:

    Configure hotkeys for windows switch to be the same as your common WoW keybinds (damage, Interact-With-Target, Interact-With-Mouseover).

    So you will cast/interact and switch to the next character with one keypress.

    Moreover, if you put your main damage spell or macro to the mouse wheel, you will damage by all (!) characters just by scrolling a wheel.

    If you are gathering just right-click as usual, with a shift or control. You will gather and switch to the next character with a single click. So gathering with WoW switcher is just a few more clicks than traditional (and forbidden) multiboxing.

    The short video demonstration:

    The project page is there:

    Any feedback and ideas are welcome!
    Last edited by sharpMouse : 11-19-2020 at 05:12 AM

  2. #2


    I fear this will still count as "unallowed software" even though it's technically not multibroadcasting. I don't think they will distinguish between minor differences, but rather ban any software that is used to multibox.

    The idea seems to be to stop botting/multiboxing/exploiting software. I reckon right now your software is not detected by warden, since it's unknown and flies under the radar, once it get's more use, it will be flagged and people will start getting suspended for it.

  3. #3


    You say on your site to use at own risk - I am not risking my almost 14 year WoW account for it.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by bpkdasbaum View Post
    I fear this will still count as "unallowed software" even though it's technically not multibroadcasting...

    I reckon right now your software is not detected by warden, since it's unknown and flies under the radar, once it get's more use, it will be flagged and people will start getting suspended for it.
    Several people keep using Wow Switcher without ban now. So it's "not under ban because of launched executable" yet.

    Since the count of users reduced several times after input software ban, there is no risk of "more use" now.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Andreauk View Post
    You say on your site to use at own risk - I am not risking my almost 14 year WoW account for it.
    Any multiboxing is a risk - regardless of software. Do not risk with 14 year account is the clever choice.

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