Specifics about your multiboxing
What software are you using?
just using this as a place holder really and i guess if anyone wants to use them maybe?
Affi Locks DPS
Code:Sequences['Ebsaffi'] = { -- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.1.03. Author="Blòssom@Chamber of Aspects", SpecID=265, Talents = "311112,2,", Default=1, MacroVersions = { [1] = { Trinket1=false, Trinket2=false, StepFunction = "Sequential",
So you seen the blue posts about this cross realm zone we had small talks about it.
But does it really work like they said it would. Last time i tried it was very buggy and invited other players did not rezone the chars so i did not make a post/video and other stuff about it ok its not 100% working right now but its a lot better then before.
Few bugs there seems to be a bit off lag (OK maybe a little more then a little). not sure if its my end or there end. npc sometimes show
So am in beta now got in with the 250k invites a small thing i find out is u can logon multiple times so why not get some beta boxing going right?
We can TALK as meta to meta and understand it!!
So after about ten weeks trying to get my full (ok itams you can see) i manged to get the last head i needed for my t6 warlock set on all my gnomes
Then find a nice staff
I should get 3 accounts into beta maybe more when blizzard sorts out my accounts.
Am hoping to get warlocks to level 90 and see what there going to be like in pvp/pve/wpvp this is the group i really would like to work on in MoP.
Keep a eye on my Blog for all MOP updates!
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